Efficient Management for Safer, Connected Living

For smarter building management, stronger security, better communication, and a more connected resident community.

building management software

What is Qdrome?

Qdrome is an innovative software platform for creating and organizing communities of people, security and connectivity.

The Control Center is the heart of the system, with the help of which all aspects of the network are managed, and it is used by representatives of the residents or building managers.

The mobile application allows residents to report problems and incidents, receive notifications, connect and increase personal safety.

I would like my mom or grandma to live in a building organized by the Qdrome principle

Humane building management and safety

Qdrome enables residents to report issues, request help, connect and receive updates while building managers and superintendents benefit from a centralized Control Center for efficient communication, incident management and safety, fostering a connected and responsive community. Customizable reports and analyses are also readily available. Qdrome is designed to support an unlimited number of residents, buildings, groups, subgroups and organizational levels.

Qdrome Control Center

A powerful and customizable web application for communication and system management with built-in analytical tools. Also, the options that residents can see and use within the Qdrome mobile application are defined through the Control Center.

Qdrome mobile app

Easy to use and rich in features, the Qdrome mobile app (Android, iOS) enables proactive action, safety and timely information for residents in the building. It is also intended to serve for personal safety within the family.

Smart wireless SOS button

It connects to the mobile app via Bluetooth and lets you quickly send media-rich calls in emergencies when you don't have time to look for a mobile phone. Optional. It does not come in a package and can be ordered separately.

Benefits for residents in the building

Reports of malfunctions and incidents, notification, security, and a more humane environment.

Reporting, notification and security

  • reporting malfunctions, and incidents and sending requests for necessary or urgent repairs and works
  • personal, family and building safety – report of suspicious behavior and persons, emergency calls for help, damage reports
  • receiving notifications and messages from residents’ representative and the building manager
  • communication of all involved in the call (the sender of the call and all those who answered) in the form of a chat during the time the call is active
  • voting or confirmation of attendance at the residents’ meeting, etc.

Humanization and connection of residents in the building

  • for example, elderly residents can request help through Qdrome (if they need something from the store, medicine, need to talk to someone, have emergencies, etc.)
  • in the building, anyone who wants to can be part of the team of residents who help neighbors who call them (there is no obligation and the person chooses whether he wants to respond to a request for help and how)
residents in the building-management and organization platform

Qdrome encourages acts that make a difference

Benefits for residents’ representative and building manager

Building management, reporting, security, control, communication, and raising the quality of residents’ living conditions.

Benefits for residents representative and building manager

I am really positively surprised by the flexibility and capabilities of Qdrome

Control Center, incident management and templates

  • residents’ representative or building manager gets access to the Control Center as an administrator (web application), has insight into all data and can manage users, calls, reports, events and incidents
  • can send multimedia calls (text, image, video, audio messages) to residents in the building. For example, about works in the building, elevator failure, pipe bursts, emergencies, consumption reports, security incidents, etc.
  • the possibility of creating call templates that residents will have on their mobile phones
  • the possibility of creating call templates for the administrator (for faster and easier sending)

Analytics, reports, data-driven decision making, satisfaction

  • possibility of customized analysis, sorting and filtering of all data (table view, graphs)
  • the ability to flexibly create PDF and CSV reports for incidents and users
  • the possibility of creating an unlimited number of groups and subgroups within the same structure (multiple buildings, multiple groups of people, etc.)
  • using the system in the long term ensures better management of the building based on the collected data
  • better communication and greater satisfaction of residents in the building

Additional useful options and features

Smart SOS button, connecting people outside the system

  • the possibility of purchasing a smart SOS button that connects to the Qdrome mobile application (personal safety, the elderly – ideal for emergencies)
  • the possibility of sending calls, information and notifications to users who do not have the Qdrome mobile app installed via e-mail and SMS
  • built-in security and privacy features. Compatible with GDPR.
Additional useful options and features

Qdrome platform basics

Broadcast, types, tags, user roles, templates


What is a Broadcast in Qdrome? Broadcast is a call sent with all the details, location and multimedia content. During the duration of the Broadcast, everyone who responded to the call can communicate with each other and add messages, images, videos, audio files and tags.

Broadcast can be sent by a resident from the Qdrome mobile app or by a Group Admin from the Control Center.

custom broadcast types-building management

Broadcast types & tags

Residents can use predefined types and tags when reporting incidents. In addition to significantly speeding up communication during the incident, it later enables high-quality analysis and filtering of the collected data and the creation of reports in the Control Center.

The tags that will be used for a particular type of broadcast or the Group (building) as a whole are defined by the Group administrator. For example: Water issue, Heating issue, Elevator issue, Electricity issue, Ambulance called, Ambulance arrived, Police called, Police arrived, Firefighters called, Firefighters arrived, etc.

User roles and management

Group user management (Residents management) such as inviting residents to the group, assigning certain roles, deleting from the group, etc., is the task of the Group Administrator (via Qdrome Control Center). 

There are two user roles: Regular users (residents) and Responders. Regular users can use the mobile app to report events and incidents, call for help and assistance while Responders can respond to them, but they can also report events and incidents themselves.

Responders can be those residents who want to help their neighbors when needed, but they can also be people outside the building such as an association to help the elderly, building maintenance workers and so on. It all depends on you.

Group Administrator can give custom names to the Regular users and Responders.

There is also a role of Recruiter who has all the privileges of a Responder plus the ability to recruit new group members (invite new residents to the group) through the Qdrome mobile app.

broadcast template - qdrome control center

Broadcast templates

The Group Administrator can prepare Broadcast templates in advance that the building’s residents will be able to use in the Qdrome mobile app. Also, the Administrator can, for a specific template, disable the possibility of changing the settings by mobile application users (residents).

In addition to mobile app users (residents), the Administrator can create Broadcast templates for his own needs to send specific Broadcasts from the Control Center more easily and quickly.

It’s an excellent tool to develop self-awareness, to be proactive and preventive in everyday life. There is a lot of good will behind this project.

Improve your building and incident management with the help of data

Table, map, graph and heatmap reports

Qdrome Control Center allows you to view and analyze collected data about incidents and residents in many ways. This can help you better manage your building and provide a better service to its residents.

For example, the query can be “Show me all incidents by hours where the plumber was called in the last 3 months” or “Show me only events related to elderly people in the last year”, etc.

Customizable PDF or CSV reports

Reports are an important feature for a Group Administrator. Equally important is the ability to customize the data and generate reports tailored to specific needs, which can then be exported in PDF or CSV format.

Managing multiple buildings?

If you are a building management company with multiple facilities and want to monitor your entire network – no problem! Qdrome is built for big things.

You can create your network where you will be able to manage, monitor and analyze the data of all buildings, incidents and residents in one place and send notifications and calls to all residents, only residents of a specific building or to one of the subgroups (for example only to residents that help others, etc.).

There is no limit to the number or size of individual groups and subgroups. Each building can have its own structure.

In addition, other services can be included in the network, for example, repair companies, associations that take care of the elderly, etc. It’s all up to you and your needs.

Once you learn the basics, it's very easy to use.

example organizational structure for building managers

Built-in security and privacy features. GDPR compatible.

The platform is designed for maximum protection of users and responders. See the built-in security and privacy features.

Flexible billing depending on the number of users or a white-label solution?

We made sure Qdrome is available to as many neighborhoods as possible, regardless of size. View plans and prices.

A new service and source of income for building managers

Use Qdrome to provide a new service to your residents and partners.

Try Qdrome demo

To see and try all Qdrome features, we suggest you try one of the available demo versions below, with examples for different applications. Choose the one that is closest to your application needs. It’s completely free.

Once you’ve tried the demo and you’re ready to get started, sign up and start setting up your first Group, or contact us if you need more details.

Soon: Qdrome demo

We have prepared a Community Demo version with existing members, community workers, Broadcasts, Groups and subgroups. Test all the features of the Qdrome platform, and feel free to contact us for any additional questions.

Short 3-steps instructions

demo sign in

1. Sign in to the Qdrome Control center (web app)

You can find login credentials below the Sign in button on this page. After signing in, explore the options of the Control Center and change the data as desired.

invite members demo

2. Invite you and other members to your Demo Group

When you want to receive and send Broadcasts from your mobile phone, invite yourself and other members to your Demo group - just enter your and other members' email addresses and click Invite.
Important: the email address must be the one with which the user will log in to the Qdrome mobile app.

demo mode

3. Install the Qdrome mobile app and choose Demo mode

Install the mobile app by clicking on the link in the invitation e-mail you received or find the app in the Apple Store or Google Play - just type "Qdrome" in the store search.
At the top of the first screen (before logging into the mobile app), select Demo mode from the drop-down menu, and then log in.

User name: n/a
Password: n/a

Need help setting up your system?

We can help you with the technical setup, advise you and give you ideas for your specific case completely free of charge. 

Heroes Nearby

Did you know that individuals and families can use the Qdrome mobile app as part of the community’s safety net, but also be part of the global Heroes Nearby community and use the same mobile application to increase their safety and the safety of their loved ones, their neighbors and the community? It’s as simple as switching channels on a TV!

People can make the community’s safety net even more efficient and the city a better and safer place to live.

community hero